Monday, September 14, 2009

its coming...............................

GOOD NEWS :  Charley learned to dissect a squid!!!!!

BAD NEWS:  the other fish heard about it and ATE  Charley!!!

look familiar?
Soooooo.....what do the Grandparents think of the new babysitter?
Char's excited....Hud's a lil nervous.
notice Char is on the otherside of Hud, so maybe Char's the nervous one?

today is a beautiful day
and I have only one thing to say......
Happy Grandparent's Day!
whether there's sand or grass on my feet
today they're dancin to a special beat....
because I have grandparents to CELEBRATE!
and I love my mommy and daddy but.....
there's a reason we call these grandparents..... GREAT!!!!!

hugs from Char Bar and Hud bub!!
look what daddy made me do..........mommy was not impressed, but couldn't help a giggle!!!!!

Meet Stanley Sunflower outside Char's kindergarten classroom....they take turns talkin to him in la espanol!
this is a face only a grandparent could love.....ok and maybe daddy!

look out all day for Grandparent day posts.....figure what a better day to get back in the bloggin!  love you all!